CableCard Underground

Check out my new site with information on CableCard/TiVo. I’ll be looking into reverse engineering CableCard and be compiling my findings on the site.

January 23, 2008 · Chris Moos

Series3 PROM Hack

This is not for the inexperienced. Engadget is reporting that user Narf54321 on the forums has done a successful S3 PROM Hack. For the non-geeks, the PROM is the Programmable Read Only Memory chip on the motherboard of the Series3 that contains some of the basic intelligence, including the security that prevents loading modified software on the unit. Late-model Series2 and DirecTiVo units are similarly locked down, and loading hacked software on the units requires modifying the PROM to allow the software to run....

January 20, 2008 · Chris Moos

CES 2008 Las Vegas

I went to CES this year and saw a lot of cool stuff. I also saw the Optimus Keyboard in person, and it looked pretty cool. Check out the photos.

January 11, 2008 · Chris Moos

Blackberry Tracker Client 0.41 Update

I’ve just released a new client that should fix the problem with people having intermittent connection problems. You can download it at There is also a new support site at where you can submit bugs and feature requests.

January 10, 2008 · Chris Moos

Manipulating the Aging Process With Somatic Cell Gene Therapy

Free time over the holidays lead me to waste some time reading about aging, stem cells, and gene therapy. Full Document: Abstract: Age represents itself as a reduction in the ability of an organism to function and respond to its environment. This loss of function eventually causes the organism to die and cease existence. DNA damage is arguably the most significant cause of aging. This damage to DNA occurs over an organism’s lifespan and is due to many factors such as oxygen free radicals which cause damage over time to proteins, membranes, and DNA....

December 23, 2007 · Chris Moos

Blackberry Tracker Client 0.4 Beta - Update

I’ve done a few bug fixes on the beta client, including problems when exiting/starting application again and problems with the screen not updating. BB OS 4.1: BB OS 4.2: To install this, go to the browser on your Blackberry and enter the URL under Go To…

December 13, 2007 · Chris Moos

Blackberry Client 0.4 Beta

I’m looking for people to help me test the new client. This version should be MUCH better on battery life. There is an option for auto-login on powerup now too. Any bugs/questions can be e-mailed to blackberrytracker [at] or you can just comment here. BB OS 4.1: BB OS 4.2: To install this, go to the browser on your Blackberry and enter the URL under Go To…

December 12, 2007 · Chris Moos

GeoFences in Blackberry Tracker

I’ve just added a new feature to Blackberry Tracker that allows you to be alerted when a device enters or leaves a certain area. These GeoFences are defined by picking a center location and then creating a circle around that point. You then have the option of defining whether you want to be alerted when the device enters or leaves this area. Currently the only supported alert type is e-mail, but I’ll be adding SMS soon too....

December 10, 2007 · Chris Moos

Blackberry Tracker - New server and site

I’m sure many of you have been noticing the intermittent downtimes that the site has been having, and for that I’m sorry. My host was having many issues and caused me to finally switch hosts. I have a dedicated server now and the downtimes should not occur anymore. Also, there is a new interface for the site, as you may have noticed. If there are any bugs please feel free to get in contact with me so I can fix them!...

December 9, 2007 · Chris Moos

Blackberry Tracker - Put a map of your location on your site

I’ve just added a feature for the people that wanted to just have a simple map of their location on their own web site. It is EXTERMELY simple to do. Check out the instructions here:

November 11, 2007 · Chris Moos